Ahad, Oktober 4

kim, can we go slowly cuz i think we go too fast..

6 ways to manage a super duper nagging woman in your life.

1. Elimination
shoot her with elephant gun! (or may b shotgun!)

if u cant

2. Substitution
replaced her with another suitable substitute. (mute woman for example?)

if u cant

3. Isolation
send her back to your mother-in-law house. (anta je balik kampung..settle)

if u cant

4. Modification
salotip aje mulutnye, tak pon suruh die pakai mask h1n1. nak hardcore lagi. stapler mulut die

kalo tak sampai hati

5. Administration
give her a diamond ring! a rose! or any suitable gift that will make her stop immediately when she get it.

kalo tu pon tak jalan

6. Protection
go to the nearest gadget shop. buy a new ipod shuffle, mp3, mp4, mpv atau sewaktu dengannye. sumbat kat dalam telinge. habis cite.

p/s: langkah-langkah di atas ekceli untok kawal kebakaran. harap maklum.

9 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...


wah wah bkn men lagi~

Acid berkata...


jgn mara..saje bgurau..

peace peace (^^)v

Tanpa Nama berkata...

macam gampang! hahahaha
gua ingat nnti bila sudah ada awek gua nk try ah. hahahaha

apan lee berkata...

6th is my fav.selalu kot buat.

Acid berkata...

nose>> heh..kalo awek ang x berleteq..toksah la gatai nk try duh..haha

arque>> aku pon kadang2..tapi aku sumbat pale ngan game..haha

hany berkata...

amboi amboi amboiboiboi...

kuat beerleter???
tolong statekan bape haribulan, tarikh yang kte ade beleter??????

i want PROOF....black n white!

Acid berkata...

ah? eh eh?

laa..nape plak awk trase ni?


awk kuat berleter ke?

sile tgk label ye dear...


hany berkata...

tak kire label pe...label slalu orang buh tarikh luput tau takkk


Acid berkata...

aik? mara nampak? (^^)v peace2..